Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday Serenity...on a Monday

Welcome to our newest fambly member!

~Mikey Bear~


We are conceived

in ecstasy,
born in pain,
grow through childhood
and adolescence
in frustration and indecision,
stumble into maturity,
and grow old
much faster
than we like.

~ Peter J. Steincrohn

Hold on tight mama & papa - time really does fly...much too fast!


expect family goodness!

Above photo was taken by Mikey Bear's grandma, aka my aunt Micki, of my beautiful youngest daughter Brynn Lee holding our newest family member. Mikey Bear does nothing but sleep and then coo and ~smile~ every once in a while. He's a mama's most precious dream-come-true.


  1. Ah, how sweet! I love me some baby cuddling!

  2. Thats a sweet photo and sweet lines accompanying that

  3. Aww.. if AG's new grandbaby is a girl, she'll be the perfect age for Mikey Bear!

  4. Awww,, how gorgeous. Congrats. :)

  5. Awwww! Lucky you!How totally precious that picture is!


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