Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sometimes Color is...


expect anything!


  1. The b&w is so interesting - like lava getting ready to spew forth from a volcano.

  2. Next year, I'm throwing down some morning glory seeds. Your photos are captivating, Annie.

  3. Check out these photographs, Annie. They are where I go for inspiration and her morning glories are awesome:

    She was featured in the NY Times for her macro photography and she took up the hobby late in life.

  4. cool. :) food for thought here. me, i'm a fan of color, sometimes. :)

  5. I so have to learn to play with my photos I THINK i know how to change them from color to black and white LOL...very interesting change it makes in the morning glory!

  6. The glories are hangin' on...just barely tho, MPM. We went down to 32.9 degrees 2 nights ago - last night it was a balmy 48 so they'll bloom another day. But they're lookin' pretty pathetic. Now to gather the seeds for next year. And just wait for that! Next years glories will be multi-toned - anything from pure white to tones of blue, pink, lavender, purple, white ringed with blue or pink - it's really spectacular!

  7. the black and white photo doesn't instantly say flowers to is very interesting and how different just by changing the color spectrum. love it!

  8. hmmmmm.....when side by side like that, I can't draw my eyes from the colored photo. I guess we are very spoiled that our eyes see colors, but I'm sure glad that they do!

  9. Nice ...

    Did you get your uploads resolved?

    I have morning glory envy .. I gave up on them this year because in the last few years they have not bloomed much and the vines were very ... sad looking


  10. Annie: I must say that even though they are both beautiful I love the color popping off the screen.

  11. I see more detail in the b/w photo, but it's the color that draws my eye. Both lovely!


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