Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Leafless Gutter System...

That would be a ~fail~...



Needless to say, I'll not be recommending the Leafless Gutter System any time soon. The amount of leaves I took out of the downspout would have done a tree proud if I could have reattached them. Total waste of money. Most unfortunately.


  1. Sorry to hear about the fail but do appreciate the cautionary tale. We've been considering this. Now I guess I just have to urge hubby up onto the roof to clean 'em out.

  2. man the water is insane... we need some rain here!

  3. So noted. Guess I'll keep going up on the roof with TOG to cheer him on!

  4. I am so glad we live in a ground floor apartment where the biggest issue is keeping squirrels out of my window box (tho Jack really thinks otherwise)

  5. Hmm... Looks just like our newly installed gutters. The installers forgot (or not) to tell us they do no good without wire covers, especially if you have Live Oak trees. At least it was the insurance company that paid for the gutters but they are still absolutely worthless! Argh.

  6. we put up gutter guards and took them down after one season of maple tree seeds! That's all I am saying...leaving the rest to your imagination.

  7. Am so glad we don't have gutters on the barn. The pitch is too steep to require them. Makes The Man very happy indeed.

  8. That is very disappointing to hear. A total waste of money for that is considered not good. And it is better to look for more suitable one.

  9. Gutter Helmet has worked for us. We have tons of oak leaves that rain down on us. The only time they don't work is when we are having an insane downpour. Sorry about yours.


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